The Most Important Practice
Practice that works.
The most important practices for right now: Grace and Gratitude.
These are unusual and unprecedented times. It is important to be flexible about your practices and responses. We want to hold on to routine to mitigate so much uncertainty. Because times are extraordinary, it is likely that many of our ordinary behaviors are not doing the trick.
Practice grace with yourself in these times. Give yourself space to turn inward and listen to what your body and soul are telling you about what you need. Give yourself permission to do something new if it serves you and to let go of previous responses that may not be serving you right now. Practicing this grace for yourself alleviates rigid attachment to outcomes and frees you to be part of the processes you are going through in a more meaningful and productive way. Practicing grace with yourself also increases the likelihood that you will then be able to practice grace with others.
And gratitude. There is so much we have lost and are grieving. So many annoyances and obstacles. Some days it is hard to see past these challenges. Practicing gratitude for what is working and positive in your life is very effective in putting the challenges into perspective. Do this daily if not multiple times daily. Write three to five things in your journal. Tell your partner thank you for something they did today. Praise your kids for their efforts to adapt to their new normal. Call a health care worker or teacher friend and thank them for their efforts.
The vision behind the name Practice Works – is more important now than ever. Self care and wellness practices are needed to help sustain and nourish us in these weird and uncertain times and into the new future. Practice, practice, practice. Because practice works.